Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Health and Science Perception:Onions: The next generations Super Heroes?!

We have heard a lot from our grandparents that onions, especially the raw ones, have special medicinal powers. They are antiseptic, antibacterial and can cure sickness. I have heard to such an extent that onions can actually absorb the bacteria from an ill person! But what does today's science say? Does it support the notions that our previous generations had? 
Science says that yes, onions have no doubt antiseptic powers. Just like their cousins garlic, they can inhibit the growth of certain strains of E.Coli bacteria, which maybe resistant to antibiotics. Similarly, if onion powder is mixed with coconut powder, it can eliminate diseases created by round worms (a parasite, which frequently affects mammals).
Like all things have a good side, the onions were believed to have a negative side to it. It was believed before that eating an onion, that has been left for too long, can poison a person, or it could create toxins of its own.

Science, however, does not support the idea that onions can suck or absorb the bacteria from a sick person. It does say, that if bacteria reaches the surface of the onion, then the onion can counteract it. There is the discovery of onion vapours though, that does have antimicrobial effects but then again it is limited by time and temperature.
The notion that onions can absorb bacteria to such an extent that they turn black is also wrong. Onions simply turn black because of the growth of the Black Mould fungus, scientifically called as the Aspergillus Niger.
Lastly onions do not create bacteria, but bacteria simply comes from other bacteria.
So it has been proved that onions can be your next iron man due to their antimicrobial and antioxidant power, until they turn black and slimy!
Sehrish Anwer

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